
At the center of Christianity lies the faith in Jesus Christ. Since the Enlightenment, this faith has been subject to critical questions: how can historical-critical Jesus research and ecclesiastical faith in Christ be brought together? What does the New Testament discourse that Jesus died "for our sins" mean if the individual cannot be substituted morally? How can the universal salvific value of Jesus Christ be sensitively articulated in the context of today's religious pluralism? These critical questions must be answered by dogmatic Christology, if it not only wants to faithfully reconstruct the confession to Jesus Christ, but also present it in a contemporary and context-specific way. Therefore, in this Christology project, the biblical statements about Jesus and his destiny, the teaching of the confession to Christ in the early church and notable figures of the Christian tradition  will be discussed. These issues will be analysed systematically and connected to the problem of theodicy in Christology.

Preliminary work

  • Christologie und Theodizee bei Johann Baptist Metz. Ambivalenz der Neuzeit im Licht der
    Gottesfrage, Paderborn-München-Wien-Zürich: Schöningh 22001
  • Jesus - Gottes Wort in Person. Zum Disput zwischen Joseph Ratzinger und Jacob Neusner,
    in: Helmut Hoping (Hg.), Jesus und der Papst. Systematische Reflexionen zum Jesus-Buch des
    Papstes, Freiburg - Basel - Wien: Herder 2007, S. 49-60
  • Jesus Christus - Gottes Heil für uns. Eine dogmatische Skizze, in: Tobias Niklas, Gerhard
    Hotze, Markus Tomberg, Jan-Heiner Tück: Jesus begegnen. Christologie (Reihe
    Theologische Module, Bd. 3, hg. von Michael Böhnke und Thomas Söding), Freiburg-Basel-
    Wien: Herder 2009
  • Beispiel, Vorbild, Lehrer? Dogmatische Rückfragen an Kants moralphilosophische
    Transformation der Christologie, in: G. Augustin/ M. Brun/ M. Schulze (Hg.), Christus -
    Gottes schöpferisches Wort (FS Kardinal Christoph Schönborn), Freiburg-Basel-Wien:
    Herder 2010, 601-622