In memoriam Johann Baptist Metz
On the 4th anniversary of the death of Johann Baptist Metz (+ 02.12.2019)
When Johann Baptist Metz died on December 2, 2019 at the age of 91, the founder of the new political theology and a "master of pointed speech" passed away. Jan-Heiner Tück wrote the following article shortly after Metz's death on his key ideas. In remembrance of the 4th anniversary of Metz's death, the article is being made available online here (German):
Dem Leiden der Menschen ein Gedächtnis geben. In memoriam Johann Baptist Metz
Balthasar's "Eschatology" with an epilogue by Jan-Heiner Tück
Hans Urs von Balthasar's "Eschatology in Our Time" has just been re-published in its third edition with a foreword by Alois Maria Haas and an epilogue by Jan-Heiner Tück.
This edition is provides editorial notes on the references and quotations from literature, philosophy and theology and points out the developments of his thoughts in following publications. A bibliography of Balthasar's eschatological works and an index of persons conclude the book.
Further information (German):
Hans Urs von Balthasar, Eschatologie in unserer Zeit (
Award for Dr. Justin Arickal
Our colleague Dr. Justin Arickal has been awarded the with Pax Bank Prize 2023 by the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Bonn. He received the award for his doctoral thesis "Ambivalent images of God as a hermeneutical challenge. An interdisciplinary trialogue between the biblical-theological hermeneutics of Erich Zenger, the systematic-theological hermeneutics of Karl Rahner and the existential-spiritual hermeneutics of Edith Stein".
In this interdisciplinary study, Arickal identifies various approaches to understanding ambivalent images of God and brings them together in a multi-perspective synthesis. The Dean of the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Bonn, Prof. Dr. Andreas Odenthal, points out in the laudatory speech: "The combination of such different approaches represents a great methodological challenge, which Arickal solves in an exceptional manner."
The Pax Bank Prize is awarded for the best doctoral dissertation of the academic year. This year's award ceremony took place on October 11, 2023 as part of the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Bonn.
Congratulations to Dr. Justin Arickal!
Fore more information on the publication (German):